July 22, 2008

Unicel Commercial

So this is a project that i've been working on for about a month now... It finally aired so I can share it with the world. This is a commercial promoting an upcoming back to school campaign for Unicel. The creative director wanted to keep the look consistant with the print & web materials. Certain elements, such as the unicorn and thunderbird I used from the print campaign, but the beginning classroom scene I came up with from the initial script. We were pretty excited about this project since it was our first in-house production. The creative director and writer came up with the story, I storyboarded and animated everything and the music was composed by one of our producers and myself. Click on the image to check it out!


Bassholio said...

looks good duder

Matthew Douglas said...

Thanks man! It was a fun project to work on. Sorry I missed Boston.

Sean Causley said...

Very cool stuff.

Drew said...

Nice work Matt! Too bad we don't have unicel down here, so we won't see it on TV.

Orange Pattern said...

Looks rad. Great job, Matt.