This is a banner AD I worked on for Unicel. I drew and animated the key frames while my friend Jackie supplied the all the flash magic. We had a pretty tight deadline of 2 Days to work on this project and I am totally happy with what we got in the end. But there always is that "if we only had more time, less restrictions" cloud that constantly looms. Below are the storyboards.

Well you know, you ARE my inspiration ;)
You've been putting out some mighty good work as well, Mr. Douglas.
Nice work hon!!
I loved your thoughts..u have lot of fun in your mind...
actually, I was seeking an inspiration for characters I wanna create for local travel agency...
beeen lookin for some plane illustrations..thats how I ended here!!!
now am thinking whether I wanna do it or not :P!!
Who cares? anyways
I'll just do it for fun..;D
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